I mean it's more efficient than having to write but there are lots of draw backs.
If we forget to sign out, then it cancels the sign in time, which means we never showed up.
Also, if you are already in the door, you'd still be considered late even if you were waiting for the person in front of you to sign in.
And it feels like Big Brother is watching....
We have to go in at least 15 mins early, or we'd be considered tardy, which counts against our bonus. but to avoid after school/work traffic, I sometimes go in at least 30 mins early.
We DO get a bonus however, for being early, but it's many of the other factors add together.
So the bonus would justify the extra hours of coming to work early.
But if we already know that we lost our bonus, then the extra time before and after class is unpaid. Who wants to work extra hours unpaid?
I personally don't think this is very effective....
And really, the biggest bonus is getting students to re-enroll, which would justify the many extra hours we put in to give extra help to students. When we don't get this bonus (I have yet to get it) it means all the extra hours, could be 10 or 20 or more, is unpaid.... sigh.
And supposedly the extra help hours should encourage the students to re-enroll but to me, it feels more like luck... if they students have enough money to pay or if they'll have time.
Well, anyway, next topic to vent about:
Mayor voting in Irving.
I was driving down MacArthur, the street outside my apartment, to work today, and I saw that there were a bunch of ads (those that you stick in the ground), and when I say a bunch.. it's at least 1/2 a mile of them placed about a couple inches apart. I mean you can see the same sign a couple hundred times in the same block.... isn't that just ridiculous and just a tad over redundant???
Guess what those signs are for??? VOTE FOR CITY COUNCIL and VOTE FOR MAYOR!
How can a person running for city office allow this kind of scenary disturbance? I mean when I glance over, I could see more of those square signs than green grass!! How many times do you need to see "Vote for John Doe" to know that he's running for mayor??? UGH
how would you feel if your whole city is covered with this:
it's just so ugly!