If you don't know who Hayao Miyazaki is, I suggest you better read carefully:
He's the MOST AMAZING person in the WHOLE WORLD!
He's the director of My Neighbor Totoro, Kiki's Delivery Service, Nausicaa, Castle in the Sky (Laputa), Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, etc etc etc (I have the WHOLE COLLECTION!)
Anyway, here's a link to the movie:
And here are some of the trailers:
It's supposed to be released here in TX around June 17th, 2005
I did some searches and I found that Howl's Moving Castle is actually an English book, and now it is a Japanese ANIME! That's just so cool! of course, it's not intended to reproduce the book, just have similar ideas
The movie is about this girl who was turned into a 90-year-old old lady by witches, and she found a moving castle that walks on 4 legs. She moved in and fell in love and tries to break the spell.
The Art and the Music are just FANTASTIC!
here are some pics. Just look at how detailed the artwork is.. ah, I just love the artwork!!:
And here are some pics of an exhibit in Taiwan when it was released there:
Ah, how I wish I was in Taiwan then :(
What I really love about Miyazaki's films are that he is not trying to make everything beautiful but instead, he tries to portray the reality, and beauty comes along with it. I mean, that mechanic moving castle is quite grotesque, but there's something about it that makes it so beautiful too.
And his anime is so detailed, every single object animates throughout the whole movie. If you noticed, when the castle is moving, it's not just walking, the "body" bounces, and every part of the body does some sort of movement. AH, it's so cool!