Tuesday, March 14, 2006


Allen's whole family went to Grand Canyon last week. They came back on Sunday and we found out that Allen's mom's office was flooded, so it stunk. We stayed up til 11 cleaning the carpet. The next day she went to the office and it still stunk, and more, the drain was clogged so the toilet doesn't work and over flowed.
so there were the plumbers, the carpet cleaners, the landlord and patients going in and out of the office, what a hectic day.

but on top of this, a thieve also came into the store. She pretended to be a customer, bought a couple of herbs. Now that I think of it, it was fishy. She was black, not dressed very nice, but made no fuss about spending $70 on two bottles of herbs when she has never had acupuncture before. So she was all asking us and patients about acupuncture and said her friend was on her way to get acupuncture and she wants to look. I'm not sure what she told Allen's mom, I was busy filing paper work.

Anyway, she hung around for about 2 hours. When she bought the herbs, she saw where Allen's mom put her purse since she had to take it out to give her change. Then she went to the bathroom like 4 times and everytime she said the toilet overflowed and wanted me to check. I did the first time, but then it wasn't wet. So I just ignored her when she told me the other times. and then I had to go next door to return something, took only about 30 seconds, and there she committed the crime. When I came back, she said "I'll come back to make an appointment." I was like oook... weird, why didn't she just make appointment now.. and where is her friend? but I didn't want to say something thinking that she's the customer and everything. But as soon as I turn into the office, I saw Allen's mom's purse hanging a little out of the 1/4 open drawer, and I thought, hm did Allen's mom leave the drawer open? I went to the room where she was working on a patient and asked her if she's got her wallet, and she said no. so we immediately rushed out to find the black woman. she was gone.

In the wallet was $300+ cash, 2 credit cards, DL, SScard, etc. I feel so freaking stupid being fooled by the black woman. It makes me think very badly of blacks now. Not being racist and all, but the last theft a couple months ago was also committed by a black man. After these 2 times, although Allen's mom needs to keep her purse locked, I can't help it but just watch out for black people who come into the office and have to ask myself if he/she could be another thieve.

Have ya'll seen Crash? Where Sandra Bullock saw the 2 black man on the street immediately held on to her husband's arm, and the black guys made a fuss about how white people always react to them because they're black. and then they turned out to be robbers.