Friday, June 24, 2005

New House

We don't have internet at the moment in our new house. We'll SBC said we can't get DSL where we live, but then we learned from other people that we can, so we finally found the right SBC division to give us DSL (after 3 weeks or so).
So right now we have to go to Allen's parents to use internet. Everytime I think of something to post, I forget it as soon as I get to a computer.

Anyway, here are some pics of the new house

This is the living room, but now we have furniture in it.

This is the upstairs bathroom #1

This is the kitchen

This is looking from the 2nd floor down

This is the 2nd floor room

Friday, June 17, 2005

Our dog

We finally name our dog Shi Gua (watermelon in Chinese). He really likes to eat watermelons. He's actually a Bichon Frise (pronunciation: Bishon Freese), which is a cross breed between a Poodle and a Water Spaniel.
Anyway, he will be fluffy this winter, he's bald now.
these are what Bichon Frises look like with hair:

what a hair day!

Target prices

We've been running to Target and Home Depot a lot lately to get things for the new house.
I found that target stuff are nice, but they don't carry really durable stuff. I was trying to find a metal dust pan but could only find plastic ones that cost $4.99 whereas if I was to buy a less designed one at Dollar store, it would only be $1.
Oh and trash can too, they don't have the metal ones, only plastic, and it seems to not be very durable.
May be we should shop at Walmart instead.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

pictures of our new dog

We haven't decide a name for him yet. I found him at the Plano animal shelter, $75. This poor little dog was found stray, and he was all matted, so they shaved him. They neutered him but didn't do a good job so his thingy is infected. So i took him to the vet, $200. Ouch! He's really cute and sweet when we're around, but could be a devil when we're not. He's a Maltipoo (Maltese and Poodle Mix) or a Poodle Bichon mix.. 3 years old

So after I picked him up at the pound, I brought him to Allen's store to show it to him. I think because he was crate trained, and the people at the pound never took him out, he never pooped for a long time. So he pooped a whole lot at Allen's store all over. I mean, he probably pooped 1/2 his size, more than Snowy (our big dog). Anyway, so Allen wants to name him Crapy now.
I think I'm going to call him Happy (like the 7th Heaven dog)

So here's some pics: