Friday, January 12, 2007

Life back to normal..

Ok so I started back at work this week, and school's starting on Tuesday... Busy busy busy... so many things to do so little time.
But I'm still bored? Why? Because I'm EXCITED! about school and work AND.... *drum roll*

Allen and I have finally decided to adopt!!! WOOT!!
Why? Because we WANT TO! Don't ask why :)

Recently I've joined a yahoo group (adopting Taiwanese kids) and have been reading about their stories. Yes, I want to adopt. Allen wants his own kids too, but we're still adopting.

What's the purpose of having kids? To pass on your genes? To have someone to love? Well, adopting kids and providing them with a home (rather than an orphanage) is a much stronger purpose. If I was to have kids, well, why not have it with purpose!?

Did you know those orphans don't even get to shower every day?

Here are some of the blogs of people who have adopted from Taiwan:
This is Jenna
This is Sheng-Fei
This is Blake and Sophi
This is Kobi

This is a link for Common Wealth Adoption

I cried everytime I read those blogs... so touching...