Sunday, February 20, 2005

I lost my voice

I lost my voice from teaching. This is an insentive for me to post on blogger since I can't speak.

I was teaching on Saturday for 7.5 hours and that's speaking nonstop!! And I am usually very active and I had to talk very loud to keep the students awake (from 8~3:30, you'd fall a sleep too). So after that class on Saturday, I lost my voice. I guess I coulda drank more water too. Anyway so I had to teach today too, 8~3:30 *_* with my course voice.. it was horrible.
I teach tomorrow at 9.
The other school in Irving called me (requested me) to teach over there during my off schedule (I finally got 1 schedule off this week) but I was too strong headed, I accepted the extra shift. Which means, I don't get any time off this week. That's just crazy. I better rest my voice...
If you wanna talk, IM me, don't call me. :(